Sunday, December 14, 2008

Holidays Begin

We're back from our little excursion to the penisula. It was a very pleasant trip, even though I now have no voice after wandering the cold streets of Poulsbo. Taviri got to see a new place and ride the ferry, which he was excited to do. Although he argued with me for hours about whether or not a car could board the ferry. I explained to him that it was okay, but he was not convinced. When we finally did board the ferry, he acquiesced. "Oh, the boat is a car friend!" I guess I just didn't explain it in a way that made sense to a three year old.

Poulsbo is an interesting place. Touristy, and Norwegian. I'm glad I've seen it, now I'll think of a nice walkable downtown rather than that horrible commercial for Poulsbo RV.

There was a Christmas Caroling competition going on while we were there, and it was snowing. It made for a really wonderful atmosphere, though the children were appalled at the cold. We have definitely raised temperature controlled babies. Anything above 75 and below 45 is strange and bewildering.

Today we're resting, and I'm trying to get my voice back. Hopefully Jaime will get me back on track and we'll enjoy the holiday season to its fullest.

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