Saturday, November 8, 2008

Careers and Futures

The intense feelings brought on by my family situation and the impending move have put me in a pensive state. I'm ready to start the next phase of my life, the next stage for my family. I'm busy working on my future. I am interested in continuing my acupuncture studies, but I also want to start a daycare. And I am trying to help J start her practice. It's a little insane. I have a dream in my mind that I can almost manifest.  I imagine a naturopathic practice integrated into an open school, with parent counseling and marriage counseling available on site.  I imagine a daycare drop off for parents to go for a treatment.  If only it could all flow together into a coherent concrete image to present to a funding source and say, "Here it is. This is a good thing, it will help people!"

Taviri got a fireman helmet today. I asked him what firemen did. He said they rode in fire trucks. I said, "Yes they do. Why do they ride in fire trucks?"
He paused. "To help people."

He's a great boy. And he's right. I think I have a plan for something that could help people. Build some relationships, prepare my community for the challenges of the future. Now it is my responsibility to manifest this dream and actually get to helping people. 

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