Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Hiatus For Good And Bad Reasons

I haven't been posting lately, and there are some good and bad reasons for this. The first bad reason is one of the kids at my daycare and her big sister were in an accident and that really limited the energy and time I cared to devote to typing this blog. I was worried and upset, and I don't make much sense when I write worried and upset. I think those who know me understand the feelings I have for the kids in my care. I grow really attached to them, and I worry about them. I have nightmares about something happening to any of my kids at school, and now that it has come true it doesn't make it anything but more frightening. Thankfully she is doing better than she could have been, and we're all hoping she and her big sister come out of this okay. So, I took a break and spent my time writing old school, pen and paper style. And returned to writing more poems, which I haven't done in a while. It was gratifying, and easier than I would have thought. My love/hate relationship with my writing is especially true of my poetry. But the new stuff is fun to write, and there may be some good work there when all is said and done.

I'm going to take a few deep breaths and start working on the blog again this week.

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