Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pack, Clean, Prepare

We're trying to get ready to leave on Friday. It's insane. Arkaedi is unpacking what we pack, things are getting broken, and I'm still working today and tomorrow. I really shouldn't be; I'd never have guessed that I am more sensible with money than time. In this case, I am. (When I moved to Japan I think I quit my job five months in advance.)

I've been debating what to do with this space during and after the move. It's tempting to try and keep updating, but I think the insane days of driving and camping and motels without wifi will make it prohibitively difficult. So, I'm going to take a break, another hiatus, this time for good reasons.

When we get to New York, and settle in, we'll start the blog anew. I'm hoping to have Jaime's website for her business up and running, which will allow me space to blog. This has been in essence a long practice run, giving me a forum to rant and ramble, and prepare myself for a more formal blog about parenting and teaching. I'll still post the occasional fun story, but there will be less "look what I found on the internet" and more well thought out articles on education and family. I'll try to not be too boring. (Though no promises.)

We're off to Ithaca on Friday. I have a feeling that most people who read this will see us on our travels. If not, hey, flag us down. We're always up for tea. Pretty will give you hugs and break your mug. "My cuteness supercedes my destructive capabilities in the minds of my admirers!"


barker blog said...

OH NO!!!!!its like hearing your favorite tv show has been canceled.I read this thing every day.the partridge family,bonanza,last of the summer wine,and now,and so on.ALL GONE??

Ryan Beggar said...

well, it'll get renewed next season! don't worry! and that's really nice to hear, dad. you're a great support to me, as always

sarah said...

i'm up for tea. come back in a day or two ok?

Unknown said...

Ooooh, I'm up for tea too! What do you mean Japan is not on the way???? Hope your travels go smoothly, safely and with as few meltdowns as possible!