Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Like It's Back East

Today we really had a crazy snowfall. The biggest I've seen since I moved to Seattle. We got the kids bundled up and walked around the neighborhood with Cathy and Joel and Gabri.

It was a wonderful day. Everyone was out, there were few cars. Once again events like these remind me of how amazing a community can be when we aren't all isolated in little boxes. Cars and suburban fortress housing have removed us from each other. When we all get out on the street and interact, it's amazing. Of course a lot of the goodwill was a factor of time off work and the rarity of a real snowfall in Seattle; but the walkability and general feel of the neighborhood made it a great day for most of my Greenwood compatriots.

The insane idealist part of me dreams of a city with arterial streets for limited car traffic, major streetcar and bus traffic, light rail scattered through the city, and neighborhood streets for pedestrians only. Cities would be connected with safe and reasonably affordable railway systems. And of course there'd be blimps. I'm not sure how economical or sustainable blimp travel is, or whether it makes any sense at all as a transportation option. But, you know. Blimps would be fun.

I know I said it was crazy.

Viri was less enthused about the weather than us. He does not tolerate the cold well. But once we got to the house and started chatting and watching the snow fall, he got into the spirit. Arkaedi responded as usual with babbles and wiggles. She's a trooper. Some strong northern European stock in this girl, she does not mind the cold. Somehow my son is designed for the tropics. When the temperature dips below 60 he complains it's too cold. Of course his insistence on wearing rain boots in the snow may be a part of the problem. At least his totoro hat will protect him from the icy winds.


barker blog said...

they say that your snow storm is heading this way,and i think that i may-be right in the watching the cat in the make it look fun though...

Anonymous said...

I feel betrayed by Seattle.

This will NOT stand!

Ryan Beggar said...

Yes Seattle lured you in with promises of mild weather... then BAM. Outta nowhere...
This is an aberration, trust me. (Or did Seattle get to me too?)

Anonymous said...

the photos of jamie and the kids are too cute!

seattle really did trick us. we hardly had rain when we first moved out here, and now it's a blizzard every other day. how very strange.